Baby Shopping List

By Rue Khosa, ARNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC and owner/founder of The Perfect Push

Sleep Must-Haves
- Crib (not essential for the first couple of months)
- Mattress (worth spending the extra penny; try get a dual-sided mattress)
- 2 hypoallergenic mattress pads
- 2 crib sheets (avoid busy patterns which can distract baby & prevent sleep – recommend Baby Gap or Pottery Barn Kids)
- 2 crib sheet savers (recommend “Ultimate Crib Sheet” by Basic Comfort…these waterproof sheet savers are great because if the baby spits up or has a blow-out diaper, you don’t need change the sheets in the middle of the night…just take off the sheet saver and you’ve got a clean crib sheet underneath)
- Baby monitor (highly recommend video)
- Humidifier (get a basic cool mist humidifier that does not have filters because those constantly need to be replaced and are prone to mildew.)
- Rocking chair and foot stool for feedings and soothing to sleep (Target has a good selection from around $300. Dutalier is the Lexus of rocking chairs if you want to splurge. Try it out if you can prior to purchasing it).
- Blankets for swaddling (Recommend Aden+AnaisVM or Little UnicornVM swaddles. Stay away from Gerber…they are too small to adequately wrap the baby.)
- Halo sleep sack/swaddlesVM (special blankets with Velcro to really swaddle your kid like they are in a straight jacket.)
- Room-darkening shades (can be helpful when you’re trying to establish sleep schedules, regular naps, etc.)
Sleep Optional
- Co-sleeper or bassinet (Snoo for the Lexus option)
- Crib mobile
- 2 sleep sacks, recommend KyteVM, Baby Dee DeeVM or Swaddle DesignsVM (start with just a few—most are for 10 pounds and up)
- Magic Merlin SleepsuitVM (works wonders for the transition from swaddling)
- White noise maker/ fan. Sleep SheepVM is great for on the go.
- Lamp with dimming function. Pottery Barn Kids’ lamp has three settings. The lowest setting is just enough light to read a book at bedtime. I like it because she doesn’t get too stimulated before bed. And you just tap the lamp to turn it off (super convenient when your hands are full)
- Rug for floor
Changing Must Haves
- Changing pad (sits on dresser…about 2 inches thick)
- 2 changing pad covers
- Waterproof pads (MunchkinVM) to put over the changing pad covers (which are not waterproof) and to stick in your diaper bag
- Diaper ointment (Recommend Rear SchmearVM for a natural barrier option, Mustela diaper creamVM or California BabyVM for zinc)
- Wipes (Recommend AlevaVM, especially the sensitive)
- 1 case of diapers, size newborn. She will go through 12-15 diapers per day the first few weeks. (Recommend Target brand is actually great. Honest diapers are cute, so are Parasol and both are non-toxic)
- Diaper basket/caddy for organizing supplies
- Recommend a diaper subscription service e.g. for supplies - really convenient. You order diapers online and they are delivered to your doorstep within 24 hours. Way easier than trekking out to a store and lugging back diapers.
- Amazon Subscription service
- Honest and Parasol have diaper delivery
Bath Must Haves
- Infant bath tub (Boon, Skip Hop)
- 8 wash cloths (GroviaVM has a set in white or other colors)
- All natural soap (stay away from Johnson & Johnson products. They are super processed and have harmful chemicals in them. I recommend MustelaVM baby products, California BabyVM (organic), or ErbavivaVM (organic))
- 4 hooded towels (Little Unicorn makes a nice towel/washcloth set)
Feeding Must-Haves
- Breast pump if you’re planning on breastfeeding (Medela has some of the best pumps on the market)
- Haakaa manual pumpVM (works with suction, medical grade silicone, amazing!)
- Niche pillowVM by Nook (larger than Boppy and all organic materials)
- 12 burp cloths (Aden & Anais burpy bibsVM are great, can be a burp cloth or bib for baby)
- Breast milk storage bags (MedelaVM or LansinohVM bags recommended)
- Sharpie pen to label milk storage bags (which will end up in the freezer)
- Disposable nursing pads (Recommend LansinohVM or BamboobiesVM disposable pads)
- Reusable nursing pads (Recommend BamboobiesVM, come in hearts and circles)
- Infant bottles/nipples (if you want to pump & introduce bottle early on. Bottle should be introduced around 4-6 weeks. ComotomoVM, Dr. Brown’sVM)
- Bottle sterilizer (Baby Breeza is GREAT)
- Bottle drying rack (Boon Grass Drying RackVM)
Feeding Optional
- Milk Snob multipurpose nursing coverVM (can also be a car seat cover, etc.)
- Lanolin nipple creamVM (Lansinoh)
- Vegan nipple cream by Earth MamaVM or Mother LoveVM
- 8-10 long-sleeve, one-piece outfits, size newborn (Look for the ones that zip or have magnets—Magnetic MeVM—rather than snap because they are easier in the middle of the night! But snap is okay too)
- 3 side-snap kimono style shirts (so baby’s belly button doesn’t get irritated), with matching bottoms. Quincy MaeVM makes organic kimono shirts and pants.
- 2 hats, Kissy KissyVM pima cotton hats are nice (even if it’s warm out. They can’t regulate their body temp in the beginning)
- 6 long-sleeve, one-piece outfits, size 3 months (they outgrow newborn pretty quickly)
- Laundry Detergent – Charlie’s SoapVM
Medical and Grooming
- Rectal thermometer
- Nasal aspirator (Nose FridaVM)
- Nail files, crystalVM is very effective (you won’t believe how long those fingernails are when baby is born!)
- Comb and/or soft brush like Haakaa wooden brushVM
- Hand sanitizer for your home (also travel sized for diaper bag – Baby BumVM)
Other Must-Haves
- Exercise ball – size 65 cm. (Excellent to sit/roll on during labor and a great thing to bounce on to soothe a fussy baby. Also good for getting your body back after delivery!)
- A few nursing tanks like the Nom nursing/pumping tankVM Newborn pacifiers. Make sure they are BPA-free. (Recommend Jolly PopsVM, WubbanubsVM, or HeveaVM natural rubber. Note: try to avoid giving her a pacifier for the first few weeks until you are sure she has the hang of breastfeeding. They suck differently when they are nursing versus just sucking on a pacifier for comfort).
- Infant Car seat (LOVE UPPA BABY MESA It comes with the car seat base) “Snap and Go” type of stroller, the one that’s compatible with your car seat 2 diaper bags. You’ll need one small one for running errands/walks (Recommend Petunia Pickle BottomVM, JujubeVM, Skip HopVM diaper clutch for a sm. option) Infant Bouncy Seat. (Recommend Fisher Price. Baby may actually take most of his/her naps in this too in the first few months. Get one that has a vibrating function.)
- Diaper Pail – Ubbi
- Playpen (Nuna or Baby Bjorn)
- Baby play mat (Skip Hop activity gymsVM)
- Books! (Village Maternity has lots!)
- One or two brightly colored dangling toys, like the Lamaze Freddie the FireflyVM toy.
- A basket to hold some books and a few toys for the day. Otherwise, you just have stuff all over the floor.
- Baby carrier and/or wrap (ErgoVM, BeccoVM, for carriers. MobyVM for a wrap, Sakura Bloom ring slingVM)
Optional Gear
- BOB Revolution Stroller Weather Shield – comes in handy in Seattle!
- Moses basket
- Baby swing
- Extra car seat base for second car
Parenting Books
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Weissbluth
- Strong as a MotherVM by Kate Rope (The only guide to taking care of YOU!)
- Like a MotherVM by Angela Garbes (A feminist journey through the science and culture of pregnancy - local author!)
- Baby Bargains (provides rankings on good/better/best furniture/toys/etc. Tells you what is worth buying and what is worth skipping.)
- Baby 411 – good reference but I wouldn’t read it cover to cover.
VM available in store at Village Maternity
Websites We Love
Posted on February 20 2019